Goodwill online buying
Goodwill online buying

goodwill online buying

I think Goodwill does better with their online venue sell thru than ebay! There's nothing wrong with them wanting to reach deeper pockets and get away from being a pickers seen them, and I have been them! The casual reseller strolling around thrift stores with their cell phone out and looking for a "diamond in the rough." Finding that "diamond" or even anything that you personally need for a good price is slowly becoming to an end. I already sourced it via that route! Needless to say most antique malls by me always have booth vacancy because it's so hard to make any $. They want it for half price so they can resell it at a profit, I'm there to sell the item to an end user not to be someone's resale source. They're everywhere! I used to sell at antique malls, but the resellers are even abundant there, looking everything up on their cellphones often because they have no actual knowledge about what they're looking it. Resellers with their cell phones have ruined many once profitable venues. I doubt sellers here price stuff dirt cheap just because they bought them for coin at a garage sale or whereever. Just because items are donated, doesn't mean they should be selling them for nothing. The charity thrifts I'm sure would like to price low if the item was actually going to someone in need of it for them and not a reseller looking to score. The pickers are to blame for the shift, since they became the main buyers there. The charity thrifts are there to make as much money as possible for their cause, not to be a wholesaler for pickers. I would donate the kids good items that were outgrown and pick up some 'new to my kids' outfits. Years ago, I would go in to get clothing for my kids.

goodwill online buying

Last time I was in one of their stores I was shocked at the prices of their donated goods. Helping people is no longer on their radar. Goodwill has changed over the years and has focused on 'profit'. I'm surprised that they think they can get more money from who they are partnering with. I know that many Goodwill stores have been using eBay for sometime to sell their higher end, and sometimes even low end items. "After decades of watching folks clean up on eBay or Etsy with their donated finds, Goodwill has decided to partner with mobile marketplace OfferUP to offload some of their most covetable items to the highest bidder." Seen them, and I have been them! The casual reseller strolling around thrift stores with their cell phone out and looking for a "diamond in the rough." Finding that "diamond" or even anything that you personally need for a good price is slowly becoming to an end.

Goodwill online buying